Joe Buck talked about Jose Morales defecting from Cuba…
“It was a tough road for Morales. He tried to defect from Cuba 12 times…he was successful the 12th time.”Yeah I heard that road from Cuba to the US can be a bitch. And telling me he tried 12 times and was successful the 12th time is like when someone loses something and another person says, “It’s always the last place you look.”
Has anyone seen the commercial where Morgan Freeman has an earring? About time, it is 2010.
Alex Rodriguez reported to Spring Training the other day and said that his hip is feeling great. The headline in The NY Post was “A-OK”. Have we officially run out of words that begin with “A” when trying to come up with Alex Rodriguez headlines?
Watching baseball players pop sunflower seeds is like watching my 5 year old niece eat ice cream in August.
Tim McCarver-
“Andy Pettitte’s about as easy to read as Greek is.” Joke to follow.
Sometime before the 7th inning Ozzie Guillen will offend, at a minimum, 4 ethnicities…and maybe by then his eyes will be a little less bloodshot from all the bong hits.
Professions that should have the highest paid salaries…doctors, teachers and hockey play by play announcers.
NASCAR Sprint Cup…Las Vegas
Jimmie Johnson-
“This track makes me feel a little uncomfortable.”
Jimmie, you’re driving 250 mph in a circle with 50 other cars doing the same thing…that makes ME feel a little uncomfortable…and I’m sitting on my couch.